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Why Choose Granite for In and Outside Your Home

Granite is a stone that is not only unique and beautiful but is strong and durable. It can be installed as a countertop, along side cabinetry or as flooring. Granite's artistic appeal is undeniable. It is just as perfect as a bathroom vanity, wall clad or as flooring material. Granite's natural mix of quartz, mica and feldspar has become the surface of choice in American homes.

Granite carries an innate charm that spreads its magic throughout your home kitchen, bathroom, walkways and interior and exterior areas. Due to its durability, strength and beauty, granite is also ideal for your kitchen countertops, center Island and sink backsplash.

Granite offers an array of color choices:

Granite offers your home a profusion of choices; bright mineral blends, running patterns, stone paradigms and a nuance of sophistication. Granite is impervious to humidity and hot curling and so is popular among home owners. It can help you update your old house for resale. Granite's unique and distinct features are what make it special and irreplaceable as you remodel your kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities.

When cleaning granite, it is suggested that you not use vinegar and water to wash over its delicate surface. Many people think vinegar is a cleaning ingredient and go for this option. Scientifically, vinegar is acidic in nature; it eats away any stone's surface and gradually fades their natural polish.

Granite passes through a cumbersome extraction process. It takes years in its formation with the end result being a variety of design choices. Today, you can choose among granite matte finish, stark whites, beautiful blacks and mirror like stone slabs. Mont Granite bathroom vanities Pittsburgh is famous in America for their rainbow of colors, distinct collections and designed patterns of granite sourced from all over the world.

Visit Mont Surfaces for ideas as you remodel your kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities. Visit Mont online at www.montsurfaces.com

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